If you’re looking to join a Surfing Moms group, you’re in the right place!

Below is a list of all of our current groups.

We have our own Surfing Moms web and app based community!

**Before you request to join our community, you need to first sign up for your Surfing Moms Annual Subscription.**


Maui - Westside

O‘ahu - Kailua

O‘ahu - Honolulu

O’ahu - North Shore

O’ahu - Westside/Leeward

Northern California


Santa Cruz

Marin (Needs new coordinator(s))

Southern California

Los Angeles - Redondo Beach

Los Angeles - Santa Monica

Los Angeles - Venice Beach

Orange County - San Clemente

San Diego - Oceanside

San Diego - Tourmaline Beach Park

San Diego - Del Mar (Needs new coordinator(s))

Central California



Brevard County (Needs new coordinator(s))

St. Augustine

Voluisa County


Virginia Beach

New Jersey

Sea Girt

Asbury Park


Ocean City

New York

Rockaway (Needs new coordinator(s))





Rhode Island

Rhode Island


Galveston (Needs new coordinator(s))


Surfing Mums Australia (separate, but sister-like, organization!)

Don’t See a Group in Your Area?

If you don’t see a Surfing Moms group where you live, why not start one?

We make it as easy as possible for new groups to start so you can focus less on dealing with logistics and more on making new surf friends and getting salty! If you’re interested, please fill out our Community Involvement Form or head to our contact us. When you decide to start a new group, we’ll support you and help you through the process. Please note that as a growing organization led by volunteers, we are always taking in new-group enquiries, but there may be some delay in our response. We will get back to you as soon as possible, though.

If there’s no group in your local area yet, and you’re not ready to start one yourself, you’re still welcome to join and be kept in the loop for when a new group does start in your area! By joining, you can still be part of the community … plus have a nationwide network of friendly moms you can surf with when you’re traveling

Want to get involved with Surfing Moms?

We are always looking for volunteers! As a small (but very mighty) nonprofit, we can use all the support we can get! If you’re interested, please fill out our Community Involvement Form
