Surfing Moms
Generating global waves of maternal wellness

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Stay wild mama!
Surfing Moms is all about helping you get back in the water after kids. You don't have to give up your surf habit - or postpone plans to learn - just because you have kids! Surfing Moms gives moms with kids a chance to meet up, surf & have fun.
Surfing Moms was started in 2018 by a mom who moved to Hawai‘i from Australia. Our group grew out of the amazing Surfing Mums Australia that continues to inspire us.
Surfing Moms is a nationwide, non-profit group run by moms just like you.
Everyone is welcome!
All surfing levels and children of all ages are welcome
We have moms with a range of surfing abilities - from those who only recently learned to surf to moms who took up surfing when they were children.
Dads, aunties, nanny-carers, etc. are all welcome, too!
Whether you surf, bodyboard or SUP, we would love to have you join us. Children of any age can come - we have newborns to middle schoolers.
Surf. Swap. Repeat!
Surfing Moms meet at the beach each week and take turns caring for each others' children and surfing.
We use a “Surf Swap” system. Surfing Moms partner up to take turns surfing and watching children on the beach. Taking turns bypasses the infamous “mom-guilt” because both Surfing Moms get time in the water.
Kids love to see their moms happy, post-surf and they get to play with friends on the beach.
The Surfing Moms village supports new and not-so-new moms through ‘surf-care’ and lifelong friendships. Surfing Moms is a great community for connecting with other like-minded folks who love surfing, ocean stewardship, and children.
As our fellow Surfing Mums in Australia say: “The waves are just the beginning!!”
You don’t have to do it alone.
When you join Surfing Moms you will not only get your chance in the water for some surf-care, but the friendships and community you will find at the meetups will help build your village of support.